Produkt zum Begriff Not:
Business Analysis Agility: Delivering Value, Not Just Software
Understand and Solve Your Customers’ Real Problems with Agile Business AnalysisTo deliver real value, you must understand what your customers truly value, and solve the problems they really need solved. Business analysis can help you do this—and it’s as crucial in agile environments now as it always has been. In Business Analysis Agility, leading experts James Robertson and Suzanne Robertson show how to perform business analysis in an agile way: trying new things, adapting to changes and discoveries, staying flexible, and being quick. Drawing on their unsurpassed experience of hundreds of projects and organizations, the Robertsons help you prioritize relentlessly, focus investments on delivering value, and learn in ways that improve your results.Uncover the real customer problems hidden behind assumptions and conventional solutionsHypothesize potential solutions and quickly test them with safe-to-fail probesUnderstand how people, hardware, software, organizations, and other components come together in an optimal customer experienceWrite stories that help you find solutions that deliver more value to customers and the businessThink about problems and projects in more agile, nimble, and open-minded waysThe Robertsons’ approach to analytical thinking will be valuable to anyone who wants to build better software in agile environments: analysts, developers, team leads, project managers, software architects, and other team members and stakeholders at all levels of experience.
Preis: 34.23 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Leading Lean Software Development: Results Are not the Point
Building on their breakthrough bestsellers Lean Software Development and Implementing Lean Software Development, Mary and Tom Poppendieck’s latest book shows software leaders and team members exactly how to drive high-value change throughout a software organization—and make it stick. They go far beyond generic implementation guidelines, demonstrating exactly how to make lean work in real projects, environments, and companies.The Poppendiecks organize this book around the crucial concept of frames, the unspoken mental constructs that shape our perspectives and control our behavior in ways we rarely notice. For software leaders and team members, some frames lead to long-term failure, while others offer a strong foundation for success. Drawing on decades of experience, the authors present twenty-four frames that offer a coherent, complete framework for leading lean software development. You’ll discover powerful new ways to act as competency leader, product champion, improvement mentor, front-line leader, and even visionary.Systems thinking: focusing on customers, bringing predictability to demand, and revamping policies that cause inefficiencyTechnical excellence: implementing low-dependency architectures, TDD, and evolutionary development processes, and promoting deeper developer expertiseReliable delivery: managing your biggest risks more effectively, and optimizing both workflow and schedulesRelentless improvement: seeing problems, solving problems, sharing the knowledgeGreat people: finding and growing professionals with purpose, passion, persistence, and prideAligned leaders: getting your entire leadership team on the same pageFrom the world’s number one experts in Lean software development, Leading Lean Software Development will be indispensable to everyone who wants to transform the promise of lean into reality—in enterprise IT and software companies alike.
Preis: 37.44 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Y Not? - Y Not? Borsa Donna
Marke: Y Not? Art: Frau Typologie: Taschen Jahreszeit: Herbst / Winter PRODUKTDETAILS • Farbe: bordeaux • Muster: Druck- • Verschluss: mit Reißverschluss • Weitere Details: -Handtasche • Artikelcode: YES618F5 ZUSAMMENSETZUNG UND MATERIAL • Zusammensetzung: -100% Polyurethan
Preis: 110 € | Versand*: 0.00 € -
Y Not? - Y Not? Portafogli Donna
Marke: Y Not? Art: Frau Typologie: Portmonees Jahreszeit: Herbst / Winter PRODUKTDETAILS • Farbe: bordeaux • Muster: Druck- • Taschen: Innentasche • Artikelcode: YES635F5 ZUSAMMENSETZUNG UND MATERIAL • Zusammensetzung: -100% Polyurethan
Preis: 50 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
Ist "to not" jetzt kostenlos?
Nein, "to not" ist nicht kostenlos. Es handelt sich um eine Verneinung, die in der englischen Sprache verwendet wird, um auszudrücken, dass etwas nicht getan wird. Es ist ein Teil der englischen Grammatik und hat keine Kosten.
Did not does not didn't?
"Did not" is the past tense of "do not" or "does not." "Didn't" is the contraction of "did not." Both phrases are used to indicate the negation of an action or statement in the past tense.
Das simple past von NOT BE ist WAS NOT oder WERE NOT.
Das simple past von "not be" ist "was not" oder "were not". Je nachdem, ob es sich um die Einzahl oder Mehrzahl handelt. Zum Beispiel: "I was not happy" oder "They were not at home". In beiden Fällen wird das simple past von "not be" mit "was not" oder "were not" gebildet.
Ist "would not" das Gleiche wie "will not" wie "won't"?
Nein, "would not" ist nicht dasselbe wie "will not" oder "won't". "Would not" wird verwendet, um über eine hypothetische Situation in der Vergangenheit oder Zukunft zu sprechen, während "will not" oder "won't" verwendet werden, um eine zukünftige Handlung oder Entscheidung auszudrücken. "Would not" wird oft auch in höflicher Sprache verwendet, um Ablehnung oder Unmöglichkeit auszudrücken.
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Business Analysis Agility: Delivering Value, Not Just Software
Understand and Solve Your Customers’ Real Problems with Agile Business AnalysisTo deliver real value, you must understand what your customers truly value, and solve the problems they really need solved. Business analysis can help you do this—and it’s as crucial in agile environments now as it always has been. In Business Analysis Agility, leading experts James Robertson and Suzanne Robertson show how to perform business analysis in an agile way: trying new things, adapting to changes and discoveries, staying flexible, and being quick. Drawing on their unsurpassed experience of hundreds of projects and organizations, the Robertsons help you prioritize relentlessly, focus investments on delivering value, and learn in ways that improve your results.Uncover the real customer problems hidden behind assumptions and conventional solutionsHypothesize potential solutions and quickly test them with safe-to-fail probesUnderstand how people, hardware, software, organizations, and other components come together in an optimal customer experienceWrite stories that help you find solutions that deliver more value to customers and the businessThink about problems and projects in more agile, nimble, and open-minded waysThe Robertsons’ approach to analytical thinking will be valuable to anyone who wants to build better software in agile environments: analysts, developers, team leads, project managers, software architects, and other team members and stakeholders at all levels of experience.
Preis: 34.23 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Leading Lean Software Development: Results Are not the Point
Building on their breakthrough bestsellers Lean Software Development and Implementing Lean Software Development, Mary and Tom Poppendieck’s latest book shows software leaders and team members exactly how to drive high-value change throughout a software organization—and make it stick. They go far beyond generic implementation guidelines, demonstrating exactly how to make lean work in real projects, environments, and companies.The Poppendiecks organize this book around the crucial concept of frames, the unspoken mental constructs that shape our perspectives and control our behavior in ways we rarely notice. For software leaders and team members, some frames lead to long-term failure, while others offer a strong foundation for success. Drawing on decades of experience, the authors present twenty-four frames that offer a coherent, complete framework for leading lean software development. You’ll discover powerful new ways to act as competency leader, product champion, improvement mentor, front-line leader, and even visionary.Systems thinking: focusing on customers, bringing predictability to demand, and revamping policies that cause inefficiencyTechnical excellence: implementing low-dependency architectures, TDD, and evolutionary development processes, and promoting deeper developer expertiseReliable delivery: managing your biggest risks more effectively, and optimizing both workflow and schedulesRelentless improvement: seeing problems, solving problems, sharing the knowledgeGreat people: finding and growing professionals with purpose, passion, persistence, and prideAligned leaders: getting your entire leadership team on the same pageFrom the world’s number one experts in Lean software development, Leading Lean Software Development will be indispensable to everyone who wants to transform the promise of lean into reality—in enterprise IT and software companies alike.
Preis: 22.46 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Y Not? - Y Not? Borsa Donna
Marke: Y Not? Art: Frau Typologie: Taschen Jahreszeit: Herbst / Winter PRODUKTDETAILS • Farbe: beige • Muster: Druck- • Verschluss: mit Reißverschluss • Weitere Details: -Handtasche • Artikelcode: YES618F5 ZUSAMMENSETZUNG UND MATERIAL • Zusammensetzung: -100% Polyurethan
Preis: 110 € | Versand*: 0.00 € -
Y Not? - Y Not? Borsa Donna
Marke: Y Not? Art: Frau Typologie: Taschen Jahreszeit: Herbst / Winter PRODUKTDETAILS • Farbe: beige • Muster: Druck- • Verschluss: mit Reißverschluss • Artikelcode: YES440F5 ZUSAMMENSETZUNG UND MATERIAL • Zusammensetzung: -100% Polyurethan • Pflegehinweise: Maschinenwäsche 30°
Preis: 90 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
Was sind die Unterschiede zwischen "did not" und "had not"?
"Did not" wird verwendet, um die Verneinung in der einfachen Vergangenheitsform auszudrücken, während "had not" die Verneinung in der Vergangenheitsform der Hilfsverben "have" oder "had" darstellt. "Did not" wird verwendet, um eine Handlung in der Vergangenheit auszudrücken, während "had not" verwendet wird, um eine Handlung auszudrücken, die vor einer anderen Handlung in der Vergangenheit stattgefunden hat.
Was ist Not und Gefahrenfunktion?
Was ist Not und Gefahrenfunktion?
Wie funktioniert ein NOT-Gatter?
Ein NOT-Gatter ist eine logische Schaltung, die den Eingangswert invertiert. Das bedeutet, wenn der Eingangswert 0 ist, gibt das NOT-Gatter 1 aus, und wenn der Eingangswert 1 ist, gibt das NOT-Gatter 0 aus. Es wird auch als Inverter bezeichnet.
Was ist Kirche in Not?
Kirche in Not ist eine internationale katholische Hilfsorganisation, die sich für verfolgte und bedürftige Christen weltweit einsetzt. Sie unterstützt Projekte und Initiativen, die den Glauben stärken, pastorale Arbeit ermöglichen und humanitäre Hilfe leisten. Kirche in Not arbeitet unabhängig von politischen und religiösen Interessen und setzt sich für Religionsfreiheit und den Schutz der Menschenrechte ein.
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